
There is one big difference between Disability and other Equality issues. By the very fact of being Disabled there is an equivalent need for Enablement.

The Social Model has a defect in it’s interpretation, the omission of Enablement balancing Impairment (Disability). This leads to many of the abuses that exist within our society. The idea that all Disabled people can be enabled to take an equal place in society by changes only to the fabric of our society is obviously flawed.

Why is it so hard for people to understand that every Disabled Person is an individual? Isn’t everyone else? Impairments cover a wide range of effect including Physical, Sensory, Learning Difficulties and Mental Health Issues. Often the enablement for one Impairment can further Disable a Person with a different and equally disabling Impairment.

The thing that unites us is that we are all People, we have the same needs as everyone. We will not willingly be ‘The Disabled’.

Disabled People have the same Rights, Responsibilities and Priviledges as non-disabled people, and need the provision of Enablement to achieve them.